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Beverly Hills Caviar » Caviar Set-Up » Egg Whites and Yolk » Diced Egg Whites and Egg Yolks

Diced Egg Whites and Egg Yolks

Diced Egg Whites and Egg Yolks 

This item only ships with orders including caviar.

One pack of egg whites and one pack of egg yolks.

Hard Boiled eggs, whole, halves or diced, are popular complements to caviar. Therefore, It is served along side of the caviar tin, enhancing the tasting experience.

In addition to a shelf life of 3-5 business days, you must keep it in the refrigerator.

Shelf life: 3-5 days

Free Shipping and Handling Information:

Eggs only ships out with caviar orders. Beverly Hills Caviar packages ship out exclusively with FedEx. The default free shipping method is unique to each product and doesn't include upgraded services. Refrigerated or frozen items will ship overnight. Items that do not require refrigeration and have a long shelf life will ship ground. To learn more information about the default shipping method used for the item/s you want to order, feel free to call us at (877) 556-6777. After placing your order, you will receive an email, with a link to a real-time location and ETA for your package. If you have any other questions, you can also contact FedEx directly at (800) GO-FEDEX.

SKU SKU17843
Price: $30.00


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